Back 2 Fitness

MON - SAT 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

About Back 2 Fitness

Our intention is to help you get back to doing physically activities you like doing or you should be capable of doing. If you already are doing them, we’d like help to you perform even better, without you getting hurt.Back 2 Fitness looks at addressing the vacuum that exists between ‘healthcare’ and ‘fitness’ industries.The very foundation of ‘healthcare’ industry, i.e. education in medical colleges don’t train us doctors to actually address health. We are only trained in dealing with sickness and illness. In our arsenal we only have medicines and surgeries. They completely ignore the largest organ in the human body, the musculo-skeletal system.The ‘fitness’ industry has become more of a ‘hospitality’ and ‘hulk’ industry. The trainers should be trained in addressing muscle imbalances and improving posture using exercises. This industry is mushrooming but it’s very unorganized and has no quality control.We at ‘Back 2 Fitness’ are more like guides to our clients and patients. We broadly divide her services into two. First, we passively help them improve their gross muscle imbalances and poor posture. This gives them confidence that THEY CAN improve. We use various forms of exercises, first under supervision. Once they are confident and have good techniques, we gradually let them train independently.You can get phone numbers and call doctors of Back 2 Fitness on