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Dr.Mohammed Akmal Ariff

Dr.Mohammed Akmal Ariff



23 years experience

Dr Mohammed Akmal Ariff as a founder of Dental Health Center of Jayanagar has an enormous experience of 20 years, with his added experience of implantology from American Academy of Implant Dentistry USA, under the guidance of Dr Shankar Iyer (director of Maxicourse Asia) gives pain-free dental treatments at his clinic.Dr Akmal is also well trained in Bone Manipulation and Bone Management from American Academy of Implant Dentistry USA.With his clear understanding of the patients problems, Dr. Akmal has built a reputation for providing pain free dental procedures.Dr Akmal is also the Head of the Dental Unit in Shifa Hospital and Co-ordinator Mini Residency Implant Programme- SRILANKA.Clinical Co-Ordinator AAID MAXI COURSE ASIA India.Implants, Tooth extractions and Crowns and Bridges are some of the specialties of Dr Akmal as an highly experienced and famous dentist in Bangalore. For consultations and visit please take an appointment with Dr Mohammed Akmal Ariff. You can book an instant appointment with Dr. Mohammed Akmal Ariff on

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