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Dr.Sandhya Rani Reddy

Dr.Sandhya Rani Reddy

MBBS,MS - Obstetrics and Gynaecology,DGO


1 years experience

A good clinician diagnosing and treating the high risk pregnancy including cardiac diseases in pregnancy. A good experience in continuing the high risk pregnancy with incompetent service in pregnancy without any survical stich and continuing pregnancy and delivery. Good in treating irregular bleeding and fibroid uterus without surgical intervention.With the good experience of identifying and treating the pre cancerous state of cervix uterus, ovaries and breast,A Dedictaed to unborn with a certifiaction of fetal medicine and seeing the babies through the ultasound within the womb of mother and facilitating the unborn to continue there tenure in the womb and help them to be borned at a nearer to nine month to be able to start there life independently without medical assistence after birth.Being privileged in treating infertility couple and giving babies in the first year of our clinic started. Out of three two babies are 2 years old and one baby born premature at 6 month. You can book an instant appointment with Dr. Sandhya Rani Reddy on


  • MBBS - Government medical college-Mysore- 1982
  • MS - Obstetrics and Gynaecology - Government medical college-Mysore- 1988
  • DGO - Government medical college-Mysore- 1992


  • Gynecologist
  • Obstetrician
  • Infertility Specialist

Awards and Recognitions


  • Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI)


  • Owner at Sai's Karuna Santhathi Fertility Center


  • 21094-Karnataka Medical Council
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