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Dr.Ruchitha Mehta

Dr.Ruchitha Mehta



1 years experience

Dr Ruchita Mehta is one of the fastest growing young homeopathic practitioners, practising homeopathy with a unique blend of scientificity and an art to enter in patient’s core problem with the quest to treat the patient from the deepest. She perceives case with gentle inquiry, patience, persistence and sharp observations.She possesses a knack of understanding diseases in homeopathic light and has also worked a lot in the area of hair, skin and obesity.She is having broad experience in treating different kind of diseases. Dr Mehta being a founder and chief consulting homeopath at kaizen homeo clinic is seeing many cases of varied diseases and having promising results and furnishes great healing, energy to her patients in order to get rid of their diseases completely.Dr Ruchita is a young, energetic, hard working person. She has graduated from Dr. V. H. Dave homeopathic medical college. She has done work for women health and done various camps for awareness at different villages.She keeps working to create awareness regarding health, homeopathy and hygiene amongst children. She is associated to various schools and play schools being a guide in maintaining immunity of children through various ways including homeopathy.Dr Ruchita writes articles in Nikir homeo times – 1st Gujarat homeopathic newspaper.She is also conducting seminars on beauty –hair and skin.Dr Ruchita always has the zeal and enthusiasm to do the best for treating a patient and so she is always deeply involved in the same. Her sincerity, commitment, dedication and truthfulness towards helping patient are incomparable. At a same time she is a good counsellor. This often helps her patients for developing their confidence and self-belief which in turn shall help them for fast recovery from the disease or problems. You can get the phone number of Dr. Ruchitha Mehta on


  • BHMS - Dr. V.H.Dave homeopathic medical college- 2010


  • Homeopath

Awards and Recognitions



  • 2010 - 2011-Unit Doctor at Dr. Batras
  • Main Doctor at Nikir Homeo Clinic


  • G-12363-Council of Homeopathic system of Medicine Gujarat State- 2010
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