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Marathon Package - Lab Tests - At Chennai

Marathon Package


Marathoners don’t know what is going inside the body. Both first timers and regulars marathon runners are at risk of injury and even death. Regular distance running namely Full or half marathon can cause changes to some commonly measured blood values, both in short term and long term. Both first time Runners as well as Marathoners need to continuously monitor their inner health.

Test included are :

  • Diabetes
  • Kidney Function
  • Electrolytes, BUN, Creatinine and Uric Acid
  • Myoglobin
  • Fat Metabolism
  • Vitamin D3
  • Hydroxy butyrate
  • Cardiac Risk : CPK, ECG and Stress Tests
  • PLAC Test
  • Bone Health:  Calcium, Vitamin D, Densitometry, Phosphorous Inorganic.
  • Liver Function:  SGOT & SGPT
  • CBC
  • Lung Function
  • Physical Examination





HBA1c, Glucose Fasting Endurance training lowers blood sugar which may lead to diabetic ketoacidosis which is life threatening. The above tests will help the diabetics to plan their insulin /diabetic drug doses before the run. And even if you are non- diabetic, it's good to screen yourself for most common metabolic disease.

Kidney Function

Electrolytes, BUN , Creatinine, Uric Acid For a runner, keeping your electrolytes balanced is key for successful training and optimum performance. If your electrolytes are imbalanced, you could potentially compromise the success of your next run because of muscle fatigue or cramping. Along with the more frequent muscle cramps in the legs, stomach cramps or side stitches can also be the result of an electrolyte imbalance. Other electrolyte imbalance symptoms are: muscle spasms, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, constipation, dark urine, decreased urine output, dry mouth and foul breath, dry skin, muscle weakness or stiff and achy joints. Kidneys helps in excretion of toxins from the body. Normal kidney function will help to regulate your blood pressure.


When muscles are over exercised, the body begins to use its Myoglobin stores for energy and in oxygen production since chemically Myoglobin has oxygen attached to it. This helps the muscles maintain a high level of activity for a longer period of time. Marathon runners commonly experience red urine and Myoglobin is part of the reason. Keep in mind that too much exercise and large amounts of Myoglobin can damage the kidneys.

Fat Metabolism

D3 Hydroxy butyrate People who are dieting and exercising, in this case Marathoners are prone to Ketosis (Increase ketone levels), which affects metabolism and therefore need to monitor their Ketone levels.

Cardiac Risk Analysis

Lipid Profile Mini - Cholesterol-Total, HDL, LDL, VLDL, Triglycerides(TG), CPK-Total, Stress test, ECG, Blood Pressure. Abnormally high levels of LDL may require further testing before the run. High levels of HDL(good cholesterol) are generally observed in endurance / marathon trainers. High CPK suggests muscle / heart / brain injury which may be aggravated because of the run. Hence it becomes important to monitor CPK. ECG and Stress Tests is important test to monitor the functioning of heart in order to avoid the risk of sudden heart failure post marathon.


When it comes to determining your risk for heart attack & stroke, cholesterol testing alone is not enough. PLAC test is a simple blood test, which detects the probability of heart attack & stroke in next 5 years.

Bone Health

Calcium, Vitamin D, Densitometry, Phosphorous Inorganic. People with low calcium and vitamin D are more prone to ligament / muscular/ bone injuries. Such deficiencies prolong the process of healing of injuries. Densitometry will help access the strength of your bones to take high endurance exercise.

Liver Function

SGOT, SGPT, Bilirubin Liver plays a vital role in digestion, metabolism of fat and detoxification. Hence it is important to monitor this organ before the marathon as during the run fat metabolism increases and a large number of toxins are produced in the body.


CBC test will help to check anaemia, infections and measure cell count of various blood components. Anaemia can impair your performance during run.

Lung Function

Pulmonary Function Test This test will tell you how efficiently your lungs are functioning. Prolonged moderate-intensity exercise induces inspiratory muscle fatigue. Intensity of inspiratory muscle work during exercise makes some contribution to leg fatigue therefore it is necessary to check lung function.

Physical Examination Physical examination helps to rule out any body injuries. BMI is a quick monitor of the fat content of the body. High BMI if coupled with other cardiac complains may need further investigations.

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