Dr. Saritha's Clinic
Radiation Oncology Gynecologic Oncology
Billroth Hospital,43,Lakshmi Talkies Road,Chennai
About Dr. Saritha's Clinic
Dr. Saritha's Clinic is a medical department where ionized and non-ionized radiation is used to study the diagnosis and treatment procedure. Some of them include digital x-ray, Magnet Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT scan), mammography and 4D USG. In this process, the radiographer after completing the imaging process reads the image, interprets it and gives a report to the physician who had ordered for it. From there on the respective specialist decides on the medication process.Imaging, the visual inspection of internal organs without an incision, is integral to making an accurate diagnosis, charting a treatment course and planning every aspect of a surgery. Billroth hospital’s department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences is one of the most advanced facilities in the country and on par with leading healthcare institutions.The department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences is equipped with sophisticated imaging equipments to provide seedy and accurate diagnosis.MRI [MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING]:High end 1.5 Tesla machine with 16 channel electronics.Superior image quality, lightning fast procedure.Capable of performing dedicated cardiac, breast MRI and also advanced neuro applications.CT [Computed Tomography]64 slice Dual Source CT [DSCT]Utilizes 2 x-ray tubes & detectors perpendicular to each other with a true temporal resolution of 83 ms.Beta blockers are not against for CT Coronary Angiogram.DIGITAL X-RAY:Increased image quality and clarity.Contrast studies including barium studies, intravenous urogram and hysterosalpingogram are done.4D USG:4th dimension of time is added to 3 dimensional still ultrasound images.Especially useful in Obstetrics – live action images of the fetus can be visualizedMAMMOGRAPHY:Low dose X-ray system to examine breasts.Helps in early detection of breast cancers.COLOUR DOPPLER:Advanced colour Doppler Ultrasound scanners offer studies of carotids, peripheral vessels, abdominal and renal vessels.PACS:All radiology images are stored in a computer image archive and are available within minutes on any of the computers conveniently located throughout the hospital.Enables off-site viewing and reporting as in teleradiology and telemedicine.You can get phone numbers and call doctors of Dr. Saritha's Clinic on Timesmed.com.
Doctors in Dr. Saritha's Clinic
- All Specialty
- Oncologist Cancer Specialist (1)
- Radiation Oncologist (1)
- Gynecologic Oncologist (1)
- Head and Neck Oncologist (1)
- Neuro Oncologist (1)
- Orthopedic Oncologist (1)
- Pediatric Oncologist (1)
- Oncologic Dermatovenereologist (1)
- Thoracic Oncologist (1)
Dr.Saritha Damodaran
MBBS, Diploma in Radio Therapy, MD - Radiotherapy
16 years experience
Oncologist Cancer Specialist Radiation Oncologist Gynecologic Oncologist Head and Neck Oncologist Neuro Oncologist Orthopedic Oncologist Pediatric Oncologist Oncologic Dermatovenereologist Thoracic Oncologist
Billroth Hospital,43,Lakshmi Talkies Road,ChennaiMon - Sat 10:30AM - 3:00PM
Rates are subject to changes by Doctor at Clinic