Baby has fine dark hair all over the body. Is this normal and can we do anything about it?

 Friday, September 23, 2016

Facial and body hair is determined by your baby’s genes and there isn't much you can do to remove it. It's true that some mums worry about excess body hair for cosmetic reasons, but you might notice it less as your beautiful baby grows.

Elders and well-meaning relatives may recommend traditional home remedies to remove hair. Some say applying ubtan, made from gram flour (besan) and turmeric (haldi) or a paste of wheat flour (atta) in raw milk and rose water is helpful. 

But, though these remedies are quite common, there is no scientific evidence to prove they really remove, reduce or retard hair growth. 

Rubbing atta or ubtan may temporarily remove fine hair but after a while, you will notice hair growing back in. 

Also, remember that raw milk can carry a host of bacteria such as e.coli and salmonella, that cause illnesses such as diarrhoea and dysentery. 

Vigorous washing and scrubbing isn't a good idea either. It won't help and it could irritate your baby's sensitive skin. Ubtan can be abrasive in nature and may cause skin allergies, rashes or even bruises. 

Besides, you may have noticed that applying the paste, letting it dry and then rubbing or washing it off is an experience your baby doesn't enjoy too much. 

It might help to speak to family members caring for your baby or your baby's maalishwali about these things as well. 

If you are worried about your baby's hair growth or feel it is too much, talk to the paediatrician. He will be able to examine your baby and reassure you all is well. 


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