What Does Whooping Cough Sound Like?

 Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Your child has had a cold for more than a week and now she's having coughing fits -- sometimes she'll cough more than 20 times in one breath. Between coughs, she has trouble breathing and makes a strange whooping sound as she inhales. Your child's had a cold for a week now, and it's getting worse. His cough is wet and phlegmy, and his breathing seems to be faster than usual.

What's probably causing it: Pneumonia, in which a virus or bacterium invades the lungs, causing them to fill up with fluid. "Because the child is trying to get the fluid out of his lungs, a pneumonia cough tends to be pretty ugly," says Dr. Lonzer. "This is the hacking-up-goobers one."

How to help: Your pediatrician may be able to diagnose pneumonia with a physical exam but might need to send your child for an X ray. She may do an oxygen-saturation test (placing a bandage-like strip around your child's finger) to check for a low oxygen level. If the doctor determines from the test results that the pneumonia is bacterial, she'll prescribe antibiotics; viral pneumonia has to run its course. Pneumonia can usually be treated at home, but if it's severe, your child may need to stay in the hospital for a few days.

Simple Cough Soothers

1. Plenty of water

2. Nasal aspirator

3. Chicken soup

4. Cool-mist humidifier


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