Effective Way to Get Rid of White Fat Around The Abdomen

 Monday, February 6, 2017

Fat cells are all around the body, but they are mostly concentrated around the belly. When the white fat accumulates in the same place longer, it creates loose flab, stretches the skin, and thus destroys the body figure, and even more important, elevates the risk of heart disease.

According to newest research, the waist volume determines the health, health risks, and even the length of life. People are generally aware of their body figure and know if they have excessive fat deposits.

Women and men differently deposit fat in the body, and women usually accumulate fat in the buttocks and thighs, while men have more fat accumulated in the abdomen.

If you are one of those people who have weight issues, you should start a weight loss program. However, a healthy and balanced diet and physical exercise are beneficial for all.

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