50 reasons to be glad you're pregnant

 Monday, September 26, 2016

We all have moments when we think, 'Never again!' during pregnancy: perhaps morning sickness is making you miserable or it feels like you can never get comfortable in bed. To remind you that being pregnant can be fun, we've rounded up some of the nice things about being an expectant mum.

And why not share the things that have made pregnancy wonderful for you - just scroll down to the parents' tips box, below.

1 Relishing the early weeks when only you and your partner know your special secret.

2 Knowing you've got a number of months to plan, dream and fantasise. 

3 Choosing clothes that are comfortable, practical, easy-to-wear and stylish.

4 Enjoying a leisurely bath, having a great foot massage, rubbing soothing lotions into your growing bump.

5 Discussing your maternity benefits with your employer.

6 Joining a yoga or an antenatal class and finding a whole new bunch of friends (and don't forget our BabyCenter community forums, another great way to meet women due at the same time as you).

7 Not feeling guilty about getting heavier - pregnancy is Nature's way of making you feel good about putting on weight.

8 If this is your first baby, enjoying the next nine months sleeping through the afternoons or late at weekends: you won't get many chances later on.

9 At last you've got the bosom you've always wanted, which means you also have a great excuse to buy lots of pretty new bras.

10 Enjoying all the special meals that will be cooked for you and feeling great as family and friends begin planning your 'godh bharai' (baby shower) celebrations.

11 Reading all about your baby from books and websites and joining online forums to share your pregnancy with other mums-to-be.

12 Looking forward to having something other than potted plants and pets to care for and nurture!

13 Getting lots of extra attention and advice from parents, in-laws, aunts, uncles, neighbours - not to mention your husband.

14 Developing a closer relationship with sisters, cousins or friends who are parents themselves. Congratulations, you've just won free admission to the parents' club!

15 Telling your parents and in-laws the good news and watching their faces light up as they look forward to being called 'Nana - Nani' and 'Thatha - Paati'.

16 Developing new talents! Whether it's knitting booties or singing lullabies, you'll suddenly find yourself trying out all sorts of new skills.

17 Feeling a new appreciation, love and respect for your own mother and all she went through having you and bringing you up.

18 Decorating your room with lots of baby pictures and smiling every time you go past. You'll be brushing up on nursery rhymes and trying to remember all those songs you loved as a child.

19 Feeling those first fluttering kicks and thinking, 'Is that what I think it is? Or is it just wind?'

20 Feeling OK for sending your husband out for chicken tikka masala, samosas and jalebi followed by double chocolate chip ice cream - after all it's your baby craving for these!

21 Your parents digging out your old pram or cradle or even a well-worn sweater that they've kept safely all this time 'just in case'.

22 Going for healthy walks with your husband.

23 Enjoying the extra-vivid dreams you get in late pregnancy - and laughing about them with your hubby and friends.

24 Feeling a small pair of heels prodding under your diaphragm and knowing you'll soon be meeting the little person they belong to!

25 Choosing baby clothes and furniture - or just visiting baby product stores and planning what you're going to buy.

26 Writing a pregnancy diary for your baby to read in years to come. 

27 Getting someone to take photos of you smiling over your enormous bump so that, one day, you can look back and be amazed you were ever that size. 

28 Finding out how many people there are out there ready to care for you: your husband, mother, in-laws, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, friends, doctors, dieticians.... 

29 Lying in bed with your husband's arms around you and your bump, knowing that love has created a new life and thinking soon you will be called 'Mummy' and 'Papa'. 

30 Enjoying indulgences such as evenings out, movies, theatre, weekends away and anything else you might not be able to do so easily once the baby arrives. 

31 Knowing that from now on, whatever happens, you'll never be bored again. 

32 Making new friends, especially with other pregnant mums, whenever you go shopping or for a walk - everyone has a pregnancy story to share. 

33 Spending whole evenings debating whether to call your baby Maya or Malini, Rohan or Rahul... (don't forget to try our BabyCenter baby namer if you get stuck!)

34 Imagining what he or she will look like. Your sweet little ears, of course, and his sexy eyes! 

35 Dreaming about, "My daughter the prime minister/movie star/brain surgeon".

36 Looking at your growing bump in the mirror and realising there's a special person in there!

37 Seeing your baby for the first time as a squirmy outline on the ultrasound monitor and waiting for the day when you will finally get to hold your own little miracle.

38 The expression on your husband's face when you tell him you're having a baby, or when he looks at your growing bump or feels the baby kicking.

39 Buying that first little rattle, silver bangles or cuddly toy for your baby, not somebody else's.

40 Waking your husband in the middle of the night to tell him that labour has started.

41 Trying out all those exercises you learned at antenatal class and finding out that they actually work!

42 Being held and supported throughout a contraction by your husband or mother and knowing that you can trust them totally.

43 Finding out, as the contractions get tough, that your repertoire of swear words is far more extensive than you ever realised!

44 Making an informed choice about pain relief and finding that it's right for you at that stage in labour.

45 That huge rush of pleasure and relief when, suddenly, all the pain and effort stops.

46 Looking into your newborn's eyes and falling utterly in love.

47 Watching your husband hug the doctor, nurse and anyone else he can find because his joy and pride are overwhelming.

48 Distributing sweets to celebrate, whatever the time of day or night.

49 Making all those phone calls or sending sms to announce the new arrival. Telling everyone the news and hearing the excitement in their voices.

50 Waking up to see your baby sleeping next to you and thinking, 'Wow! This is real. I'm a mum!'

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