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Dr.Sanjay Tambe

Dr.Sanjay Tambe

MD - Homeopathy,FNAHI,PGNAHI


1 years experience

Dr. Tambe’s homoeopathic clinic Experience - expertise - ethics Family background : belong to the royal family of rani laxmibai of jhansi.Qualification: •diploma in homoeopathic medicine and surgery in 1985. •m.D. (hom) from dr. B.A.M. University, aurangabad in 2004. •fellowship the national academy of homoeopathy, india since 1987. •recipient of the certificate of post graduation from the national academy of homoeopathy, india. •groom under the guidance of the renowned homoeopath of india dr. Kasim chimthanawala (heritage of dr. J. N. Kanjilal, doyen of homoeopathy) for 17 years. •practicing hahnemann school of homoeopathy (the origin of homoeopathy) Academic career:•past secretary of the national academy of homoeopathy, india•past member of homoeopathic allergy research center•member of cardiac research center•managing director saidham arogya santulan kendra. A unit that takes care of health and livelihood of senior citizens•member of dementia research center, india•editor of “jeevan utsah” the marathi health magazine Honorary homoeopathic physician to:•moil•bank of india•central railways Activities:•presented number of scientific papers on the subjects of homoeopathy in state and national conference•educate people on how to prevent diabetes, coronary diseases and cancer•co-author in homoeopathic book on miasms, homoeopathic case study and nosodes, published by shaad publications•conducts homoeopathic awareness programs addressing people about the escalation homoeopathy – science•contributed articles on homoeopathy in daily news paper•a combination approaching homoeopathy and yoga is opened to help the inner healing journey of the people•contributed articles in health magazine and interviewed on akashwani•distributer of free homoeopathic medicines in epidemics You can book an instant appointment with Dr. Sanjay Tambe on

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