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Dr.Akash Raj

Dr.Akash Raj



17 years experience

Dr Akash Raj is a Senior Pediatrician in Sector 2, Vaishali. He has a vast experience of 16 Years in managing Childhood diseases, Child Nutrition and monitoring proper developement of Children. He did his M.B.B.S with Honors from Patna Medical Collge in 1995 and completed his D.C.H (with GOLD MEDAL) from LLRM Medical College, Meerut.He is cuurently working as a Senior Pediatrician at Super Specialiity Children's Hospital & Post Graduate Teaching Institute, Noida since 2012, Earlier he was managing various National Health Programmes of Govt. of Uttar Pradesh at District Ghaziabad as Medical Superitendent at various Health Centres. On a average Dr Akash treats around 100 children in a day, such vast is his experience. You can get the phone number of Dr. Akash Raj on

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